Law Books

Commentary on The Commercial Courts Act, 2015 (Act No.4 of 2016) as amended by The Mediation Act, 2023 [(32 of 2023), dt.15-9-2023] | with Central and State Rules, Updated Case Laws | Very Latest and Useful for All India Legal Practitioners and Commercial Law Firms

₹ 1530
  • Binding : Hard Bound
  • Author : Mr.Rahul Kandharkar
  • Pages : 838
  • Publisher: Whitesmann Publishing
  • Edition: (Thakkar Law House); 2nd Revised Edition 2023
  • Language: English
  • ISBN10: 81-19725-76-2
  • ISBN13: 978-81-19725-76-2
  • In stock, Only 5 Left

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Commentary on The Commercial Courts Act, 2015 (Act No.4 of 2016) as amended by The Mediation Act, 2023 [(32 of 2023), Dt.15-09-2023] With

  • Central and State Rules
  • Updated Case Laws

This book contains:-

Part I - The Commercial Courts Act, 2015

  • Chapter I - Preliminary
  • Chapter II - Commercial Courts, Commercial Appellate Courts, Commercial Divisions and Commercial Appellate Divisions
  • Chapter III - Specified Value
  • Chapter III A - Pre-Institution Mediation and Settlement
  • Chapter IV - Appeals
  • Chapter V - Transfer of Pending Suits
  • Chapter VI - Amendments to the Provisions of The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908

Part II - Amendment Act & Notifications (Central & State)

  • The Commercial Courts, Commercial Division and Commercial Appellate Division of High Courts (Amendment) Act, 2018

Part III - Central and State Rules

  • The Commercial Courts (Pre-Institution Mediation and Settlement) Rules, 2018
  • The Commercial Courts (Statistical Data) Rules, 2018

Delhi High Court (Original Side) Rules, 2018

  • Chapter I - General
  • Chapter II - Exercise of Original Civil Jurisdiction
  • Chapter III - Form of Pleadings
  • Chapter IV - Presentation of Pleadings, Other Documents and Maintenance of Case Files
  • Chapter V - Vakalatnama
  • Chapter VI - Processes/Notices ETC
  • Chapter VII - Appearance By Defendant, Written Statement, Set off, Counter-Claim and Replication
  • Chapter VIII - Discovery, Inspection and Interrogatories
  • Chapter IX - Mediation / Settlement, Judgement without Recordal of Evidence, Examination of Parties and Framing of Issues
  • Chapter X - Interlocutory Applications
  • Chapter XA - Case Management
  • Chapter XI - Evidence and Witnesses
  • Chapter XII - Commissions
  • Chapter XIII - Adjournments
  • Chapter XIV - Compromise in Pauper Suits, Hearing in Final Matters, Pronouncement of Orders, Judgments and Drawing of Decrees
  • Chapter XV - Suits By or Against Minors and Persons of Unsound Mind
  • Chapter XVI - Summary Suits
  • Chapter XVII - Commercial Suits
  • Chapter XVIII - Dates and Cause Lists
  • Chapter XIX - Affidavits
  • Chapter XX - Receivers
  • Chapter XXI - Security Procedure
  • Chapter XXII - Court Deposits and Payments
  • Chapter XXIII - Costs & Taxation of Costs
  • Chapter XXIV - Proceedings in Execution
  • Mode of Execution
  • Arrest
  • Attachment and Sale
  • Sale of Attached Property
  • Chapter XXV - Review
  • Chapter XXVI - Election Petitions
  • Chapter XXVII - E-Filing
  • Chapter XXVIII - Alternative Dispute Resolution, Arbitration and Mediation
  • Chapter XXIX - Testamentary and Intestate Jurisdiction
  • Chapter XXX - Caveat
  • Chapter XXXI - Repeal and Savings

Video Conferencing Rules

  • Chapter I - Preliminary
  • Chapter II - General Principles
  • Chapter III - Procedure for Video Conferencing
  • Chapter IV - General Procedure
  • Chapter V - Miscellaneous

The Gujarat High Court Rules, 1993

Part I -

  • Chapter I- Jurisdiction of Single Judges and Benches of the High Court
  • Chapter II - Powers of the Registrar, Deputy Registrar and Assistant Registrar

Part II - Procedure and Practice

  • Chapter III - Affidavits
  • Chapter IV - Presentation of Appeals and Applications
  • Appeals
  • Civil Revision Applications
  • Application for Review
  • Civil Applications
  • General
  • Chapter V - Procedure After Presentation, Remand of Office Objections, ETC.
  • Chapter VI - Appeals Under Clause 15 of The Letters Patent
  • Chapter VII - Processes, Process Fees, Printing Charges, Security for costs, and other Procedure after admission - Check?
  • Printing
  • Chapter VIII - Search and Copies
  • Chapter IX - Preparation of Paper Books and Translations for Paper Books
  • Translations or Copies for Paper Books
  • Chapter X - Court Sittings Warned List, Weekly and Daily Board
  • Chapter XI - Judgment and Decree
  • Chapter XII - Procedure in Cases of Defaults
  • Chapter XIII - Certified Copies
  • Certification of Private Copies
  • Chapter XIV - Process Fees, Copying and Comparing Fees
  • Chapter XV - Destruction of Records
  • Chapter XVI - References to The High Court Under The Civil Procedure Code and The Presidency Small Cause Court Act
  • Chapter XVII - Applications Under Articles 226, 227 and 228 of The Constitution and Rules for Issue of Writs and Orders Under the Said Articles
  • Execution of Orders
  • Applications Under Section 82, C.P.C.
  • Chapter XVIII - Cases for Confirmation of a Decree Under The Indian Divorce Act, IV of 1869
  • Chapter XIX - Appeals References and Applications Under The Income Tax Act, 1961 and other Acts
  • Chapter XX - Appeals under Special Acts
  • Chapter XXI - Rules under The Banking Companies Act X of 1949
  • Civil Appeals
  • Criminal Appeals
  • Chapter XXII - Rules under The Representation of People Act, 1951
  • Chapter XXIII - Appeals under Companies Act, 1956 (Act 1 of 1956)
  • Chapter XXIV - Appeals under Section 73 of the Copyrights Act, 1957
  • Chapter XXV - Revision Applications under Section 5(2) of The Bombay Court Fees Act, 1959
  • Chapter XXVI - Criminal Business
  • Chapter XXVII - Rules Under Section 96 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
  • Chapter XXVIII - Rules for the Issue of Writs of Habeas Corpus, Article 226 of the Constitution of India
  • Chapter XXIX - Appeals to the Supreme Court
  • Chapter XXX - Miscellaneous
  • Chapter XXXI - Rules Made by the High Court of Gujarat under the Advocates Act
  • Chapter XXXII - Advocate's Clerks
  • Chapter XXXII-A - Rules Relating to Cases under the Company Secretaries Act, 1980
  • Chapter XXXIII - Rules under the trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958
  • Chapter XXXIV - Rules under the Patents Act, 1970

The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996

Part I - Arbitration

  • Chapter I - General Provisions
  • Chapter II - Arbitration Agreement
  • Chapter III - Composition of Arbitral Tribunal
  • Chapter IV - Jurisdiction of Arbitral Tribunals
  • Chapter V - Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings
  • Chapter VI - Making of Arbitral Award and Termination of Proceedings
  • Chapter VII - Recourse Against Arbitral Award
  • Chapter VIII - Finality and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards
  • Chapter IX - Appeals
  • Chapter X - Miscellaneous

Part II - Enforcement of Certain Foreign Awards

The Bombay High Court Service of Processes by Electronic Mail Services (Civil Proceedings) Rules, 2017

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