Law Books

Commentary on THE COMMERCIAL COURTS ACT 2015 with RULES and MODEL FORMS / Latest Book on the subject

  • Binding : Hard Bound
  • Author : M L Bhargava
  • Pages : 700
  • Publisher: Kamal Publishers
  • Edition: First Edition 2022
  • Language: English
  • ISBN10: 93-92295-00-3
  • ISBN13: 978-93-92295-00-3
  • FREE Delivery
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The Commercial Courts Act, 2015 is becoming popular due to the recent reduction of the specified value of commercial dispute (for pecuniary jurisdiction) from 1 crore to 3 lac by the latest amendment Act of 2018. Since pre-litigation mediation is mandatory under this Act, several commercial disputes are being settled during the mediation itself. For effective mediation process, rules have been made to guide. Further this Act has brought several changes in the code of civil procedure to regulate its own procedure to give a speedy and summary disposal to the cases.

In this book the Author Mr. M.L.Bhargava has attempted to comment on the provisions of the Commercial Courts Act and Rules and he succeeded.  Thus this book covers the Commercial Courts Act with

  • Commentary
  • Rules
  • Model Forms

Since it is a new Act and it would last for ever as far as the commercial disputes are concerned, these type of legal literatures are necessary for a civil side practicing advocate to know in deapth. Useful book for advocates who are handling with the commercial, mercantile and civil cases.


Kamal, Lawman, Bhargava, Mediation



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