Law Books

Commentary on The Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (Act No.4 of 1882) with latest case laws | Latest

₹ 3995
  • Binding : Hard Bound
  • Author : Dr.Ujwala Bendale, LL.M., Ph.D. and Dr.Rasheed Shaik, M.A., LL.M., Ph.D.
  • Pages : 1692
  • Publisher: The Delhi Law House
  • Edition: 1st Reprint Edition 2023
  • Language: English
  • ISBN10: 93-88918-42-8
  • ISBN13: 978-93-88918-42-8
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Commentary on The Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (Act No.4 of 1882)

with latest case laws

This book contains:-

Chapter I - Preliminary

  • Section 1 - Short title
  • Section 2 - Repeal of Acts - Saving of certain enactments, incidents, rights, liabilities, etc.
  • Section 3 - Interpretation clause
  • Section 4 - Enactments relating to contracts to be taken as part of Contract Act and supplemental to the Registration Act

Chapter II - Of Transfers of Property by Act of Parties

  • Section 5 - "Transfer of Property" defined
  • Section 6 - What may be transferred
  • Section 7 - Persons competent to transfer
  • Section 8 - Operation of transfer
  • Section 9 - Oral transfer
  • Section 10 - Condition restraining alienation
  • Section 11 - Restriction repugnant to interest created
  • Section 12 - Condition making interest determinable on insolvency or attempted alienation
  • Section 13 - Transfer for benefit of unborn person
  • Section 14 - Rule against perpetuity
  • Section 15 - Transfer to class some of whom come under Secs.13 and 14
  • Section 16 - Transfer to take effect on failure of prior interest
  • Section 17 - Direction for accumulation
  • Section 18 - Transfer in perpetuity for benefit of public
  • Section 19 - Vested interest
  • Section 20 - When unborn person acquires vested interest on transfer for his benefit
  • Section 21 - Contingent interest
  • Section 22 - Transfer to members of a class who attain a particular age
  • Section 23 - Transfer contingent on happening of specified uncertain event
  • Section 24 - Transfer to such of certain persons as survive at some period not specified
  • Section 25 - Conditional transfer
  • Section 26 - Fulfillment of condition precedent
  • Section 27 - Conditional transfer to one person coupled with transfer to another on failure of prior disposition
  • Section 28 - Ulterior transfer conditional on happening or not happening of specified event
  • Section 29 - Fulfillment of condition subsequent
  • Section 30 - Prior disposition not affected by invalidity of ulterior disposition
  • Section 31 - Condition that transfer shall cease to have effect in case specified uncertain event happens or does not happen
  • Section 32 - Such condition must not be invalid
  • Section 33 - Transfer conditional on performance of act, no time being specified for performance
  • Section 34 - Transfer conditional on performance of act, time being specified
  • Section 35 - Election when necessary
  • Section 36 - Apportionment of periodical payments on determination of interest of person entitled
  • Section 37 - Apportionment of benefit of obligation on severance
  • Section 38 - Transfer by person authorized only under certain circumstances to transfer
  • Section 39 - Transfer where third person is entitled to maintenance
  • Section 40 - Burden of obligation imposing restriction on use of land
  • Section 41 - Transfer by ostensible owner
  • Section 42 - Transfer by person having authority to revoke former transfer
  • Section 43 - Transfer by unauthorized person who subsequently acquired interest in property transferred
  • Section 44 - Transfer by one co-owner
  • Section 45 - Joint transfer for consideration
  • Section 46 - Transfer for consideration by persons having distinct interests
  • Section 47 - Transfer by co-owners of share in common property
  • Section 48 - Priority of rights created by transfer
  • Section 49 - Transferee's right under policy
  • Section 50 - Rent bona fide paid to holder under defective title
  • Section 51 - Improvements made by bona fide holders under defective titles
  • Section 52 - Transfer of property pending suit relating thereto
  • Section 53 - Fraudulent transfer
  • Section 53-A - Part performance

Chapter III - Of Sales of Immovable Property

  • Section 54 - "Sale" defined
  • Section 55 - Rights and liabilities of buyer and seller
  • Section 56 - Marshalling by subsequent purchaser
  • Section 57 - Provision by Court for encumbrances and sale freed there from

Chapter IV - Of Mortgages of Immovable Property and Charges

  • Section 58 - "Mortgage", "mortgagor", "mortgagee", "mortgage-money" and "mortgage-deed" defined
  • Section 59 - Mortgage when to be by assurance
  • Section 59-A - References to mortgagors and mortgagees to include persons deriving title from them
  • Section 60 - Right of mortgagor to redeem
  • Section 60-A - Obligation to transfer to third party instead of re-transference to mortgagor
  • Section 60-B - Right to inspection and production of documents
  • Section 61 - Right to redeem separately or simultaneously
  • Section 62 - Right of usufructuary mortgagor to recover possession
  • Section 63 - Accession to mortgaged property
  • Section 63-A - Improvements to mortgaged property
  • Section 64 - Renewal of mortgaged lease
  • Section 65 - Implied contracts by mortgagor
  • Section 65-A - Mortgagor's power to lease
  • Section 66 - Waste by mortgagor in possession
  • Section 67 - Right to foreclosure or sale
  • Section 67-A - Mortgagee when bound to bring one suit on several mortgages
  • Section 68 - Right to sue for mortgage-money
  • Section 69 - Power of sale when valid
  • Section 69-A - Appointment of receiver
  • Section 70 - Accession to mortgaged property
  • Section 71 - Renewal of mortgaged lease
  • Section 72 - Right of mortgaged in possession
  • Section 73 - Right to proceeds of revenue sale or compensation or acquisition
  • Section 74 - Right of subsequent mortgagee to pay off prior mortgagee.-(Repealed)
  • Section 75 - Right of mesne mortgagee against prior and subsequent mortgagees.-(Repealed)
  • Section 76 - Liabilities of mortgagee in possession
  • Section 77 - Receipts in lieu of interest
  • Section 78 - Postponement of prior mortgagee
  • Section 79 - Mortgage to secure uncertain amount when maximum is expressed
  • Section 80 - Tacking abolished. - (Repealed)
  • Section 81 - Marshalling securities
  • Section 82 - Contribution to mortgage-debt
  • Section 83 - Power to deposit in Court money due on mortgage
  • Section 84 - Cessation of interest
  • Section 85 - Parties to suits for foreclosure, sale and redemption. - (Repealed)
  • Section 86  to 90 - (Repealed)
  • Section 91 - Persons who may sue for redemption
  • Section 92 - Subrogation
  • Section 93 - Prohibition of tacking
  • Section 94 - Rights of mesne mortgagee
  • Section 95 - Right of redeeming co-mortgagor to expenses
  • Section 96 - Mortgage by deposit of title-deeds
  • Section 97 - Application of proceeds. - (Repealed)
  • Section 98 - Rights and liabilities of parties to anomalous mortgages
  • Section 99 - Attachment of mortgaged property. - (Repealed)
  • Section 100 - Charges
  • Section 101 - No merger in case of subsequent encumbrance
  • Section 102 - Service or tender on or to agent
  • Section 103 - Notice, etc., to or by person incompetent to contract
  • Section 104 - Power to make rules

Chapter V - Of Leases of Immovable Property

  • Section 105 - Lease defined
  • Section 106 - Duration of certain leases in absence of written contract or local usage
  • Section 107 - Leases how made
  • Section 108 - Rights and liabilities of lessor and lessee
  • Section 109 - Rights of lessor's transferee
  • Section 110 - Exclusion of day on which term commences
  • Section 111 - Determination of lease
  • Section 112 - Waiver of forfeiture
  • Section 113 - Waiver of notice to quit
  • Section 114 - Relief against forfeiture for non-payment of rent
  • Section 114-A - Relief against forfeiture in certain other cases
  • Section 115 - Effect of surrender and forfeiture on under-leases
  • Section 116 - Effect of holding over
  • Section 117 - Exemption of leases for agricultural purposes

Chapter VI - Of Exchanges

  • Section 118 - "Exchange" defined
  • Section 119 - Right of party deprived of thing received in exchange
  • Section 120 - Rights and liabilities of parties
  • Section 121 - Exchange of money

Chapter VII - Of Gifts

  • Section 122 - "Gift" defined
  • Section 123 - Transfer how effected
  • Section 124 - Gift of existing and future property
  • Section 125 - Gift to several of whom one does not accept
  • Section 126 - When gift may be suspended or revoked
  • Section 127 - Onerous gifts
  • Section 128 - Universal donee
  • Section 129 - Saving of donations mortis causa and Mohammedan Law

Chapter VIII - Of Transfers of Actionable Claims

  • Section 130 - Transfer of actionable claim
  • Section 130-A - Transfer of policy of marine insurance. - (Repealed)
  • Section 131 - Notice to be in writing, signed
  • Section 132 - Liability of transferee of actionable claim
  • Section 133 - Warranty of solvency of debtor
  • Section 134 - Mortgaged debt
  • Section 135 - Assignment of rights under policy of insurance against fire
  • Section 135-A - Assignment of rights under policy of marine
  • Section 136 - Incapacity of officers connected with Courts of Justice
  • Section 137 - Saving of negotiable instruments, etc.

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