Law Books

Commentary on UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES (PREVENTION) ACT, 1967 | As Amended Vide S.O. 1876(E), dated 19-4-2022

₹ 1260
  • Binding : Hard Bound
  • Author : Justice M.L.Singhal
  • Pages : 718
  • Publisher: Vinod Publications
  • Edition: (P) Ltd. - Edition 2023
  • Language: English
  • ISBN10: 93-91088-29-3
  • ISBN13: 978-93-91088-29-3
  • In stock, Only 2 Left

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The Unlawful Activities (Prevention Act), 1967 is now the primary anti-terrorist law in force in India. It was enacted by the Parliament in 1967. The Original Act was targeted at unlawful activities of a general nature, and stringent provisions on terrorism were added only later through amendments starting in 2004, following POTA's repeal. It was subsequently amended in 2008 in response to the Mumbai terrorist acts. The amended UAPA incorporated the definition of a "terrorist act" under Section 15 and created new terrorist offence. Amendments made in 2013 dealt largely with economic and financial aspects of terrorism.
Terrorism is national / international phenomena these days.

The provisions of the UAP Act 1967 have been annotated in plain and simple language. The book has been prepared keeping in view the interest of both the prosecution and the accused persons. Endeavour has been made to incorporate all te decisions of the Supreme Court and various High Courts pronounced on the provisions of the Act.

The Statutory-law and case-law have been updated upto July 2022.
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