Law Books

Criminal Procedure Code 1973

  • Binding : Paperback
  • Author : Lawmann's
  • Pages : 420
  • Publisher: Kamal Publishers
  • Edition: (2017)
  • Language: English
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Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 - Constitution of Criminal Courts and Officers - Power of Courts A.-Powers of Superior Officers of Police **B.-Aid to The Magistrate and The Police **Arrest of Persons **Processes to Compel Appearance **A.-Summons **B.-Warrant of Arrest **Processes to Compel The Production of Things **A-Summons to Produce **B.-Search-Warrants **C.-General Provisions Relating to Searches **D.-Miscellaneous **Reciprocal arrangements for Assistance in Certain Matters and Procedure for Attachment and Forfeiture of Property **Security for Keeping The Peace and for Good Behaviour **Order for Maintenance of Wives, Children and Parents **Maintenance of Public Order and Tranquility **A.-Unlawful Assemblies **B.-Public Nuisances **C.-Urgent Cases of Nuisance or Apprehended Danger **D.-Disputes as to Immovable Property **Preventive Action of The Police **Information to The Police and Their Powers to Investigate ** Jurisdiction of The Criminal Courts in Inquiries and Trials **Conditions Requisite for Initiation of Proceedings **Complaints to Magistrates **Commencement of Proceedings Before Magistrates **A.-Form of Charges **B.-Joinder of Charges **Trial Before A Court of Session **Trial of Warrant Cases By Magistrates **A.-Cases Instituted on a Police Report B.-Cases Instituted Otherwise than on Police Report **C.-Conclusion of Trial **Trial of Summons Cases By Magistrates **Summary Trials **Plea Bargaining **Attendance of Persons Confined or Detained in Prisons **Evidence in Inquiries and Trials **A.-Mode of Taking and Recording Evidence B. Commissions for the Examination of Witnesses **General Provisions as to Inquiries and Trials **Provisions as to Accused Persons of Unsound Mind - Provisions as to Offences Affecting the Administration of Justice **Submission of Death Sentence for Confirmation **Appeals **Reference and Revision **Transfer of Criminal Cases - Execution, Suspension, Remission and Commutation of Sentence A.-Death Sentences B.-Imprisonment
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