Law Books

Disputed Documents, Finger - Prints and Hand Writing Examination | Containing Ballistic Expert, Forensic Expert and Identification etc. | Chemical and Material Analysis | Civil & Criminal |

  • Binding : Hard Bound
  • Author : Mr.Alex Samuel
  • Pages : 1000+
  • Publisher: Dwivedi and Company
  • Edition: 3rd Edition 2023
  • Language: English
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Disputed Documents, Finger - Prints and Hand Writing Examination |Ballistic Expert | Forensic Expert and Identification etc. | Chemical and Material Analysis | For both Civil & Criminal |

There are totally 39 chapters in this book which deal with the subject very exhaustively.

  • Chapter 1 –   General Introduction
  • Chapter 2 –   Scientific Evidence and Opinion of Experts
  • Chapter 3 –   Standardising Through Concepts-Scientific Experts and The International Development of The Haccp Food Safety Standard
  • Chapter 4 –   Evaluation of Handwriting Expert's Evidence
  • Chapter 5 –   Document Examinations
  • Chapter 6 –   Ballistic Expert Reports
  • Chapter 7 –   Comparison of Signature, Writing or Seal with Others Admitted of Proved
  • Chapter 8 –   Detection and Characterization of Explosives of Interest to the Forensic Laboratory is the Recovery and Identification of Post-Blast Residue
  • Chapter 9 –   Electronic Signature
  • Chapter 10 – Digital Evidence
  • Chapter 11 – Finger Prints
  • Chapter 12 – Carjackers Take Man-Finger or Thumb Print
  • Chapter 13 – DNA-Fingerprinting and ITS Evidentiary Value
  • Chapter 14 – Finger-Marks, Shoesole and Footprint Impressions, Tire Impressions, Ear Impressions, Tool-Marks, LIP-Marks, Bite-Marks
  • Chapter 15 – Foot-Prints
  • Chapter 16 – Forgery
  • Chapter 17 – Forensic Examinations of Fibres-Scientific Methods
  • Chapter 18 – Forensic Examination of Handwriting and Signatures, other Forensic Documents Matters
  • Chapter 19 – Using and Cross-Examining Handwriting Experts
  • Chapter 20 – Forensic Examination of Paint and Glass
  • Chapter 21 – Foresic Geology-The formal of Forensic Examination of Soil Evidence
  • Chapter 22 – Forensic Imaging and Video Technology
  • Chapter 23 – Forensic Psychologists as Expert Witness
  • Chapter 24 – Forensic Speech and Audio Analysis, Forensic Speaker Identification
  • Chapter 25 – Forensic Toxicology-Biological Samples and Specificities, Analyses and Apparatuses, Questions of Interpretation
  • Chapter 26 – Handwriting, Typewriting, Shoeprints and Tire Treads FBI Laboratory's Questioned Documents Unit
  • Chapter 27 – Medical Evidence
  • Chapter 28 – Opinion of Doctor
  • Chapter 29 – Opinions of Experts
  • Chapter 30 – Recording Evidence
  • Chapter 31 – Opinion of Typewriter Expert
  • Chapter 32 – Report of Chemical Analyser
  • Chapter 33 – Science of Comparison of Hairs
  • Chapter 34 – Scientific and Other Expert testimony
  • Chapter 35 – Thumb Impressions
  • Chapter 36 – Chemical and Material Analysis Research on Drug Evidence
  • Chapter 37 – Ossification Test
  • Chapter 38 – Photograpy
  • Chapter 39 – Identification
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