Law Books

Jurisdiction and Powers of the Courts (Useful book for Practising Lawyers) | By Bhargava

  • Binding : Paperback
  • Author : Mr. Bhargava
  • Pages : 490
  • Publisher: Kamal Publishers
  • Language: English
  • ISBN10: 9385444043
  • ISBN13: 978-9385444043
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Jurisdiction and Powers of the Courts


  • Introduction
  • Jurisdiction to Decree Specific Performance
  • Jurisdiction and Procedure
  • Objections to The Jurisdiction
  • Pecuniary Jurisdiction
  • Revisional Jurisdiction
  • Dissolution of Marriage by Decree of Foreign Court Bars The Jurisdiction of Matrimonial Court in India
  • Appeal from Original Decree-An Appeal shall lie from every Decree passed by any Court
  • Exercising original Jurisdiction to the Court Authorized to Hear Appeals From Decisions of Such Court
  • To What Court Application Lies?
  • Other suits to be Instituted where Defendants Reside or cause of Action Arises
  • Court Having jurisdiction to Entertain Application
  • Judgment and Decree
  • Interest-Where the Liability in Relation to the Sum so Adjudged had Arisen out of a Commercial, Transaction-The Rate of Such Further Interest may Exceed Six percent
    Court in which Suits to be Instituted
  • Court to try All Civil Suits Unless Barred
  • Suit for Compensation for Wrongs to Person or Movables
  • Suits for Immovable property situate within jurisdiction of different courts
  • Suits to be Instituted where subject-matter Situate
  • Presumption as to foreign Judgments-Such presumption may be displaced by proving want of jurisdiction
  • Res Judicata
  • Stay of Suit
  • General Power of Transfer and withdrawal
  • Transfer of Decree
  • Power of Court to Issue Commissions
  • Power of the Court to Make Order as to Guardianship
  • Power of Supreme Court to Transfer Suits, Etc.
  • Power to Transfer Suits which may be Instituted in more than one Court

Useful book for Practising Lawyers



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