Law Books


  • Binding : Paperback
  • Author : R.P.Bhatnagar
  • Pages : 248
  • Publisher: Trinity Publications
  • Edition: Edition 2022
  • Language: English
  • ISBN10: 93-5138-012-2
  • ISBN13: 978-93-5138-012-2
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This Book Contains in  law and language

               This is an anthology for law students written according to the new law course approved by the Bar Council of India and adopted by a number of universities in India. The author is a leading ELT specialist who was specially asked by the Bar Council to design a course and write a book for teaching it. Each passage has brief notes on pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary, comprehension, composition, precis and letter writing. The introductory section consists of general guidance on these basic requirements and the texts represent some of the finest writings on law and related matters.

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