Law Books

LAW of EXECUTION of DECREES AND ORDERS / Very useful book for execution side Advocates

  • Binding : Hard Bound
  • Author : S.S.Wagh, Advocate
  • Pages : 1500
  • Publisher: Vinod Publications
  • Language: English
  • ISBN10: 93-91088-10-1
  • ISBN13: 978-93-91088-10-1
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Law of Execution of Decrees and Orders

This book contains,-

  • TIPS for Expeditious and Flawless Execution;
  • PRECAUTIONS to be taken in Different Processes;
  • MODEL ORDER in Process of Exeuction, and
  • PROVISIONS Commented in Common Parlance.

Very useful book for execution side Advocates


Vinod, Execution, Wagh


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