Law Books

Law of Postmortem

₹ 990
  • Binding : Hard Bound
  • Author : SAXENA & SAXENA
  • Pages : 570
  • Publisher: Dwivedi and Company
  • Edition: 2nd Edition 2023
  • Language: English
  • In stock, Only 1 Left

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Law of Post-Mortem

Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Asphyxia
Chapter 3 – Brain Injury
Chapter 4 – Burn Injuries
Chapter 5 – Cause of Death
Chapter 6 – Coma
Chapter 7 – Decomposition
Chapter 8 – Dying Declaration
Chapter 9 – Medical Evidence
Chapter 10 – Examination of Body
Chapter 11 – Expert Evidence
Chapter 12 – Gun-Shot Injuries
Chapter 13 – Infacticide
Chapter 14 – Injuries
Chapter 15 – Instruments for Conducting Post-Mortem
Chapter 16 – Inquest Report
Chapter 17 – Medical Examination
Chapter 18 – Medico Legal Work
Chapter 19 – Non-Examination of Doctor
Chapter 20 – Poison
Chapter 21 – Post-Mortem Report
Chapter 22 – Putrification
Chapter 23 – Rigor Mortis
Chapter 24 – Shock and Hemorrhage
Chapter 25 – Suicide
Chapter 26 – Sudden or Unnatural Death
Chapter 27 – Injuries Sufficient to Cause Death
Chapter 28 – Stains
Chapter 29 – Time of Death
Chapter 30 – Viscera
Chapter 31 – Weapons

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