Law Books

Law Relating to MONEY SUITS with MODEL FORMS (Useful book for civil side advocates, juniors, money lenders, debtors etc.)

  • Binding : Paperback
  • Author : Nayan Joshi
  • Pages : 416
  • Publisher: Kamal Publishers
  • Edition: First edition
  • Language: English
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The contents of the book are :-
  • Introduction,
  • Adjudication of Claims to, or Objections to Attachment of Property,
  • Application for Execution by Joint Decree Holders,
  • Application for Execution by Transfer of Decree,
  • Attachment of Property,
  • Decree for Execution of Document,
  • Endorsement of Negotiable Instrument,
  • Decree for Immovable Property,
  • Decree for Payment of Money,
  • Decree for Specific Performance for Restitution of Conjugal Rights or for an Injunction,
  • Definition of Court which passed a Decree,
  • Discretionary Power to Permit Judgment-Debtor to Show Cause against Detention in Prison,
  • Endorsement on Process,
  • Execution in cases of Cross-Decrees,
  • Execution of Decrees passed by Courts in Reciprocating Territory,
  • Mode of Making Proclamation Modes of Paying Money under Decree,
  • Notice to Show Cause against Execution in Certain Cases,
  • Oral Application,
  • Payment Out of Court to Decree-Holder,
  • Power to Order Property Attached to be Sold and Proceeds to be Paid to Person Entitled,

  • Private Alienation of Property after Attachment to be Void,
  • Procedure in Execution,
  • Procedure on Receiving Application for Execution of Decree,
  • Proceedings on Appearance of Judgment-Debtor in Obedience to Notice or after Arrest,
  • Process for Execution,
  • Proclamation of Sales by Public Auction,
  • Property Liable to Attachment and Sale in Execution of Decree,
  • Questions to be Determined by Court - Executing Decree,
  • Sale of Movable Property,
  • Sale of Immovable Property,
  • Stay of Execution Pending Suit between Decree-Holder and Judgment-Debtor,
  • Transfer of Decree,
  • When Court May Stay Execution,
  • Suits Relating to Mortgage of Immovable Property,
  • Model Forms (Forms 1 to 91).
While perusing the above contents of the book, it would go to show that it is very useful book for civil side advocates, juniors, money lenders, decree holders, debtors etc.
Lawman, Kamal, Nayan Joshi
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