Law Books

Law Relating to Property Frauds (A must book to understand the law on frauds as against property)

  • Binding : Paperback
  • Author : R Chakraborty
  • Pages : 552
  • Publisher: Kamal Publishers
  • Edition: Third edition 2020
  • Language: English
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The Contents of the book are :-
  • Introduction,
  • Fraud
  • Definition of Misrepresentation,
  • Definition of Undue Influence
  • Definition of Void ability of Agreements without Free Consent,
  • Agreement void where Both Parties are under Mistake as to Matter of Fact
  • What Considerations and Objects are Lawful and What Not?
  • Disputes as to Immovable Property,
  • Breach of Contract,
  • Fraudulent Transfer,
  • Effect of Fraud or Mistake,
  • Nature of Property or Right-Effect of Acknowledgement in Writing,
  • Effect of Payment on Account of Debt or of Interest of Legacy.

Useful book.


Lawman, Kamal, Fraud


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