Law Books

Mass Media Law | Latest

₹ 720
  • Binding : Paperback
  • Author : Dr.S.R.Myneni
  • Pages : 602
  • Publisher: Asia Law House
  • Edition: 4th Edition 2023
  • Language: English
  • ISBN10: 93-90227-96-9
  • ISBN13: 978-93-90227-96-9
  • In stock, Only 4 Left

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Mass Media Law

This book contains:-

Unit - I - Mass Mass Media

Chapter 1 - Mass Media - Meaning
Chapter 2 - Classification or Types of Mass Media
Chapter 3 - Ownership Patterns of Mass Media (Organisational Structure and Management of Mass Media in India)
Chapter 4 - Difference between Visual and Non-visual Media
Chapter 5 - Functions or effects or impact or importance of Mass Media on People
Chapter 6 - Self-regulation or Code of Ethics for Persons in Mass Media in India

Unit - II -  Press

Chapter 1 - Press in India
Chapter 2 - Freedom of Speech and Expression
Chapter 3 - Freedom of Press
Chapter 4 - Press and Registration
Chapter 5 - The Press Council Act, 1978 and the Relevant Rules
Chapter 6 - Laws relating to Newspapers
Chapter 7 - Advertisement - Is it included in freedom of speech and expression?
Chapter 8 - Law relating to Working Journalists
Chapter 9 - Law of Defamation, Obscenity, Blasphemy and Sedition (Indian Penal Code, 1860)
Chapter 10 - Provisions relating to Press from various Acts
Chapter 11 - Law of Copyright

Unit - III - Films

Chapter 1 - Role of Drama and the Dramatic Performances Act, 1876
Chapter 2 - Origin and Impact of Films
Chapter 3 - Film Censorship
Chapter 4 - Cinematograph Act, 1952; Cinematograph (Certification) Rules, 1983 and Guidelines for Certification of Films for Public Exhibition
Chapter 5 - The Cinematograph Film Rules, 1948 and the Cinema Carbons (Control) Order, 1961
Chapter 6 - Law relating to Cine Workers Welfare
Chapter 7 - The Cine-Workers and Cinema Theatre Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act, 1981 and The Cine-Workers and Cinema Theatre Workers (Regulation of Employment) Rules, 1984

Unit - IV - Electronic Broadcast Media (Radio and Television)

Chapter 1 - Role of Drama and the Dramatic Performance Act, 1876
Chapter 2 - Radio, an Electronic Broadcasting Medium
Chapter 3 - Effects of Television on People
Chapter 4 - Committees appointed by the Government to advise on broadcasting media
Chapter 5 - Government Policies
Chapter 6 - Judicial Review of Doordarshan Decision: Freedom to Telecast
Chapter 7 - Constitutional Restrictions on Radio and Television: Subject to Law of Defamation and Obscenity
Chapter 8 - Power to legislate - Article 246 read with the Seventh Schedule
Chapter 9 - The Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India) Act, 1990 and The Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India) Investment of Money Rules, 2007

Unit - V -  Latest Electronic Mass Media Law

Chapter 1 - Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 as amended by Act 36 of 2000 and the Cable Television Networks Rules, 1994
Chapter 2 - Miscellaneous Statutory Provisions of Electronic Broadcasting- The Standards of Quality of Service (Broadcasting and Cable Services) - (Cable Television - CAS Areas) Regulation, 2006
Chapter 3 - Guidelines relating to Electronic Media
Chapter 4 - Social Media and its Registration in India
Chapter 5 - Trademark Infringement and Misuses in Social Media

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