Law Books

MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE - Forensics, Toxicology Necrophilia & Graphology | Special Emphasis on Injuries, Medica Expert - Opinion - Evidence, Forensics, DNA, Hand-writing | Latest and Unique Text Book on the Subject

₹ 3495
  • Binding : Hard Bound
  • Author : Yogesh V. Nayyar Advocate, Supreme Court of India and Rahul R. Puranik, Forensic, Handwriting & Signature Expert
  • Pages : 1918
  • Publisher: Whitesmann Publishing
  • Edition: (Thakkar Law House); 1st Edition 2023
  • Language: English
  • ISBN10: 81-963136-0-9
  • ISBN13: 978-81-963136-0-9
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Forensics, Toxicology Necrophilia & Graphology

Special Emphasis on Injuries, Medica Expert - Opinion - Evidence, Forensics, DNA, Hand-writing

A very unique and detailed text book which deals with Medical Jurisprudence in all relevant aspects particularly with the present scientific development and latest Indian Guidelines and Important Case Laws. In total 15 parts it covers all technical details with law on Medical Jurisprudence. A must book for Bar and Bench, Police officials, Doctors, law and medical students. A rare big book in very moderate price.

This book contains the following:-

Part I

  • "Know Your Body"
  • An Understanding Guide for Lawyers
  • "Human Body"
  • An Understanding Guide for Lawyers

Part II - Crime

  • Chapter I - Crime - Impact - Elements
  • Chapter II - Stages & Theories of Commission of Crime

Part III - Medical Jurisprudence

  • Chapter III - What is Jurisprudence & Medical Jurisprudence
  • Chapter IV - Characteristics of Medico-Legal Cases & Errors in Medico-Legal Reports
  • Chapter V - Medico Legal Case and Medical Negligence
  • Chapter VI - Medico-Legal Investigation of Medical Negligence - Forensic Autopsy Case
  • Chapter VII - Instructions on Conduct of Medico Legal Examination Including Post-Mortem Examination
  • Chapter VIII - Indian Legislative Framework and Medico Legal Issues
  • Chapter IX - Medico Legal Issues & Guidelines to Medical Officers
  • Chapter X - Injury - Hurt - Wound Characteristics & Medico-Legal Aspects
  • Chapter XI - Mechanical Injuries & Classification
  • Chapter XII - Assessment of Grievous Injury & Murder
  • Chapter XIII - Indian Guidelines for Management of Head & Spinal Cord Injury

Part IV - Forensic Science

  • Chapter XIV - What is Forensic Science?
  • Chapter XV - Death Mechanism
  • Chapter XVI - Knife - A Weapon of Crime
  • Chapter XVII - Forensic Mechanics of Knife - A Murderous Weapon of Assault
  • Chapter XVIII - Homicidal Cut Throat: The Forensic Perspective
  • Chapter XIX - Thoraco-Abdominal Impalement Injury with an Iron Rod: A Case Report
  • Chapter XX - Atypical Suicidal Cut Throat Injury - Case Study

Part V - Identification Forensic - DNA - Odontology

  • Chapter XXI - Identification When a Dead Body is Found, How Do We Reveal Their Identity?
  • Chapter XXII - Role of Forensic Odontology and Anthropology in the Identification of Human Remains
  • Chapter XXIII - Forensic Identification of Decomposed Human Body Through Comparison Between Ante-Mortem and Post-Mortem CT Images of Frontal Sinuses: Case Report
  • Chapter XXIV - Forensic Methods of Identifying Corpses with Unknown Identity
  • Chapter XXV - DNA Recovery and Analysis From Skeletal Material in Modern Forensic Contexts

Part VI - Traumatology

  • Chapter XXVI - Burn Injury
  • Chapter XXVII - Chemical Burn Injury
  • Chapter XXVIII - Electrical Burn Injury
  • Chapter XXIX - Firearms and Ballistics
  • Chapter XXX - Forensic Identification of Firearms
  • Chapter XXXI - Forensic Impression Evidence
  • Chapter XXXII - Crime Scene and Forensics Evidence Collection
  • Chapter XXXIII - Guidelines on Forensic Medicine Gunshot Injuries

Part VII - Principles of Forensic Science & Crime Scene Investigation Relevance & Importance

Part VIII - Forensics of Sexual Assault

  • Chapter XXXIV - Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Investigation and Prosecution of Rape Against Women
  • Chapter XXXV - Collection of Evidence in Rape Cases (SOP)
  • Chapter XXXVI - Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on Collection & Processing of Scientific/Forensic Evidences in Case of Sexual Assault on Women
  • Chapter XXXVII - Injuries & Wounds Associated with Sexual Assault and Rape

Part IX - Forensics of Autopsy & Post Mortem (Understanding, Analysing & Guidelines)

  • Chapter XXXVIII - Autopsy - Postmortem Examination
  • Chapter XXXIX - Understanding and Analysing Post Mortem Report
  • Chapter XL - Postmortem Examination Guidelines

Part X - Death Associated with Neck, Wind Pipe & Lungs

  • Chapter XLI - Asphyxia - Strangulation - Drowning

Part XI - Forensics of Explosives Crime Scene & Blast Injuries

  • Chapter XLII - Explosives & Blast Injuries

Part XII - Toxicology

  • Chapter XLIII - Understanding Forensic Toxicology

Part XIII - Graphology Brain - A print of Personality (Handwriting & Signature Specimen Analysis)

  • Chapter XLIV - Secret of Handwriting
  • Chapter XLV - Forensic Document Examination Fraudulent Documents

Part XIV - Dead Bodies & Sex

  • Chapter XLVI - Necrophilia - A Mental Disorder?

Part XV - Expert's Opinion - Evidence - Credibility - Veracity Case Laws

  • Chapter XLVII - Expert Evidence - Necessity - Credibility - Veracity
  • Guidelines for Forwarding Crime Exhibits Discipline of Forensic Science Laboratory, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
  • Guidelines for Collection, Storage and Transportation of Crime Scene Biological Samples
  • Glossary of Blast
  • Glossary of Medical Forensic
  • Glossary of Toxicology

Subject Index

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