Law Books

Moot Court | Exercise and Internship

₹ 450
  • Binding : Paperback
  • Author : Dr.S.R.Myneni | Foreword by Prof.T.Vidya Kumari
  • Pages : 316
  • Publisher: Asia Law House
  • Edition: 2nd Edition 2021
  • Language: English
  • ISBN10: 81-950547-5-6
  • ISBN13: 978-81-950547-5-6
  • In stock, Only 1 Left

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Moot Court | Exercise and Internship

The Contents of ‘Moot Court, Exercise and Internship’ has been presented in this volume under four parts:-

  • (i)    Moot Court
  • (ii)   Interviewing Techniques and Pre-Trial preparation Requirements During Internship
  • (iii)  Observation of Trial in Courts
  • (iv)  Viva-Voce Examination


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