Law Books

Powers of Attorney, Notaries, Affidavits & Oaths with MODEL FORMS (Very Useful Book for Practice)

₹ 1095
  • Binding : Hardcover
  • Author : Kant Mani
  • Pages : 920
  • Publisher: Kamal Publishers
  • Edition: First edition 2021
  • Language: English
  • In stock, Only 1 Left

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This book is divided into IX Parts. They are as follows:-

  • PART I - The Powers-of-Attorney Act, 1882,
  • PART II - The Notaries Act, 1952,
  • PART III - The Notaries Rules, 1956,
  • PART IV - Affidavits,
  • PART V - The Oaths Act, 1969,
  • PART VI - The Official Languages Act, 1963,
  • PART VII - The Official Languages (Use for Official Purposes of the Union) Rules, 1976,
  • PART VIII - The Official Language Resolution, 1968,
  • PART IX - Model Forms.

Lawman, Kamal, Drafting, Kant Mani


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