Law Books

Principles of Mercantile Law | Revised and Enlarged |

₹ 1195
  • Binding : Paperback
  • Author : Dr.R.K.Bangia, M.Com., L.L.M., Dip. P.A., Ph.D. Revised by S.K.Raghuvanshi, B.A., LL.B., LL.M. (Jrf & Net-Qualified) Advocate
  • Pages : 1200
  • Publisher: Allahabad Law Agency
  • Edition: 9th Edition 2023
  • Language: English
  • ISBN10: 93-95759-26-7
  • ISBN13: 978-93-95759-26-7
  • In stock, Only 2 Left

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Principles of Mercantile Law | Revised and Enlarged |

This book consists of the following parts:

Part I - Indian Contract Act, 1872


  • Agreement and Contract
  • Consideration
  • Capacity to Contract
  • Free Consent
  • Legality of object and consideration
  • Void Agreements
  • Contingent Contracts
  • Electronic Contracts
  • Performance of Contract
  • Discharge of Contract
  • Quasi Contracts or Certain Relations Resembling Those Created by Contract
  • Remedies for Breach of Contract
  • Contracts of Indemnity and Guarantee
  • Bailment and Pledge
  • Agency
  • Summary

Part II - The Specific Relief Act, 1963


  • Introduction
  • Definitions
  • Recovering Possession of Property
  • Specific Performance of Contracts
  • Rectification of Instruments
  • Rescission of Contracts
  • Cancellation of Instruments
  • Declaratory Decrees
  • Preventive Relief or Injunctions

Part III - Indian Partnership Act, 1932


  • Nature and Definition
  • Types of Partnerships and Partners
  • Relations of Partners Inter Se
  • Relations of Partners to Third Parties
  • Incoming and Outgoing Partners
  • Dissolution of a Firm
  • Registration of Firms
  • Limited Liability Partnership

Part IV - The Sale of Goods Act, 1930


  • Contract of Sale-Its Nature and Definition
  • Conditions and Warranties
  • Transfer of Property and Title
  • Performance of the Contract
  • Rights of Unpaid Seller against the Goods
  • Suits for Breach of Contract
  • Hire Purchase Act, 1972

Part V - The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 and the Competition Act, 2002


  • Consumer Protection Act, 2019
  • Important Guidelines & Illustrative Case-Studies
  • The Competition Act, 2002

Part VI - The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881


  • Negotiable Instruments
  • Negotiation of Negotiable Instruments
  • Holder, Holder in Due Course and Payment in Due Course
  • Parties to Negotiable Instruments and Their Liability
  • Discharge from Liability on Notes, Bills and Cheques
  • Crossing of Cheques
  • Presentment of Negotiable Instruments
  • Dishonour, Noting and Protest
  • Miscellaneous Provisions
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