Law Books

Public International Law | Latest

₹ 695
  • Binding : Paperback
  • Author : Mr.Mahesh Prasad Tandon, M.A., B.Com., LL.B. and Justice Rajesh Tandon, Uttranchal High Court, Revised by S.K.Raghuvanshi, B.A.(Hons.) LL.B. Advocate
  • Pages : 712
  • Publisher: Allahabad Law Agency
  • Edition: 19th Edition 2024
  • Language: English
  • ISBN10: 93-95759-99-1
  • ISBN13: 978-93-95759-99-1
  • In stock, Only 5 Left

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Public International Law

This book contains:-

International Law

Part I - Introductory

  • Chapter I - Definition, Scope and Types of International Law
  • Chapter II - Sources of International Law
  • Chapter III - History, Development and Schools of International Law
  • Chapter IV - Law of Nature and Its Influence on The Development of International Law
  • Chapter V -  Codification of International Law
  • Chapter VI - Relation Between International Law and Municipal Law

Part II - The Law of Peace

  • Chapter VII - States in General
  • Chapter VIII - Recognition of States
  • Chapter IX - State Succession
  • Chapter X - Intervention
  • Chapter XI - Doctrine of Necessity and Self-Preservation
  • Chapter XII - State Territory
  • Chapter XIII - Law of The Sea
  • Chapter XIV - Sovereignty, Air Space and Servitude
  • Chapter XV - Environment
  • Chapter XVI - Modes of Acquisition and Loss of State Territory
  • Chapter XVII - State Jurisdiction
  • Chapter XVIII - Piracy and Hijacking
  • Chapter XIX - Nationality
  • Chapter XX - Extradition
  • Chapter XXI - Asylum
  • Chapter XXII - Place of The Individual In International Law and Human Rights
  • Chapter XXIII - Diplomatic Agents
  • Chapter XXIV - Consuls
  • International Transactions
  • Chapter XXV - Treaties
  • Chapter XXVI - International Organisations
  • International Institutions
  • Chapter XXVII - The League of Nations
  • Chapter XXIX - Collective Security
  • Chapter XXX - Disarmament
  • The Law of International Institutions
  • Chapter XXXI - The Permanent Court of Arbitration
  • Chapter XXXII - The Permanent Court of International Justice
  • Chapter XXXIII - The International Court of Justice
  • Chapter XXXIV - The International Criminal Court

Part III - New International Economic Order

  • Chapter XXXV - International Economic Co-Operation

Part IV - The Laws of War

  • Chapter XXXVII - War, Its Effects and The Concepts of Jus Ad Bellum and Jus in Bello
  • Chapter XXXVIII - Enemy Character
  • Chapter XXXIX - Laws of Land Warfare
  • Chapter XL - Belligerent Occupation
  • Chapter XLI - Laws of Maritime Warfare
  • Chapter XLII - Prize Courts
  • Chapter XLIII - Laws of Air Warfare
  • Chapter XLIV - War Crimes
  • Chapter XLV - The Doctrine of Postliminium and Recapture
  • Chapter XLVI - The Termination of War

Part V - The Law of Neutrality

  • Chapter XLVII - Neutrality
  • Chapter XLVIII - Right of Angary
  • Chapter XLIX - Blockade
  • Chapter L - Contraband
  • Chapter LI - Unneutral Service
  • Chapter LII - The Right of Visit and Search
  • Appendix
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