Law Books

PUBLIC UTILITY LAW / Dr. Sheetal Kanwal / Text Book for LL.M. Studies

₹ 320
  • Binding : Paperback
  • Author : Dr. Sheetal Kanwal
  • Pages : 324
  • Publisher: Amar Law Publications
  • Language: English
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LL.B. students might have studied this topic "Public Utilities" in their 'Labour Law' subject especially while reading the Industrial Disputes Act 1947, and that too very very little. But the LL.M. curriculum has made this as a separate paper under the title "Public Utility Law". As far as today's changing scenario and government policy are concerned, every one needs to study and understand the law relating to Public Utilities which are none other than Railways, Air ways, Electricity, Gas, Road Transport, Telephone including cell phone, postal service etc.

However this book is specifically designed to suit the LL.M. syllabus in which the author Dr. Sheetal Kanwal has explained the public utilities law under 8 detailed chapters which are as follows:-

1. Public Utilities

2. Public Utilities - Why Government Monopoly?

3. Utilities Legislation - Pattern of

4. Public Utilities and Fair Hearing

5. Public Utilities and Consumer Protection

6. Public Utilities and their Employees

7. Public Utilities and Fundamental Rights

8. Liabilities and special privileges of public utilities.

Very useful text book not only for LL.M. exam preparations but also for practical day to day life.

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