Law Books

Representation of the People Act, 1950 (Lawmann's Series)

  • Binding : Paperback
  • Author : Lawmann's
  • Pages : 176
  • Publisher: Kamal Publishers
  • Edition: (2017)
  • Language: English
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*Preliminary *Allocation of Seats and Delimitation of Constituencies *Electoral Rolls for Parliamentary Constituencies *Electoral Rolls for Assembly Constituencies *Electoral Roll for Council Constituencies *Manner of Filling Seats in The Council of States to be Filled by Representatives of Union Territories *General *Schedule *REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE ACT, 1951 *Preliminary *Qualifications and Disqualifications *Qualifications for Membership of Parliament *Qualifications for Membership of State Legislatures *Disqualifications for Membership of Parliament and State Legislatures *Disqualifications for Voting *Notification of General Elections *Administrative Machinery for the Conduct of Elections *Registration of Political Parties *Conduct of Elections *Nomination of Candidates *Candidates and Their Agents *General Procedure At Elections *The Poll *Counting of Votes *Multiple Elections *Publication of Election Results and Nominations *Declaration of Assets and Liabilities *Election Expenses *Free Supply of Certain Material to Candidates of Recognised Political Parties *Disputes Regarding Elections *Interpretation *Presentation of Election Petitions to High Court *Trial of Election Petitions *Withdrawal and Abatement of Election Petitions *Appeals *Cost and Security for Costs *Corrupt Practices and Electoral Offences *Corrupt Practices *Electoral Offences *Disqualifications *Powers of Election Commission in Connection with Inquiries As to Disqualifications of Members *Bye-Elections *Miscellaneous *General *Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1959 *Registration of Electors Rules, 1960 *Preliminary *Electoral Rolls for Assembly Constituencies *Electoral Rolls for Parliamentary Constituencies in The Union Territory of Delhi *Electoral Rolls for Council Constituencies *Preservation and Disposal of Electoral Rolls *Miscellaneous
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