Law Books

Shiva Gopal's Conveyancing, Precedents & Forms

₹ 595
  • Binding : Hardbound
  • Author : Shiva Gopal
  • Pages : 692
  • Publisher: Eastern Book Company
  • Edition: (EBC)
  • Language: English
  • In stock, Only 1 Left

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Shiva Gopal 's Conveyancing, Precedents & forms is a clear, succinct and practical guide to the subject, and has today assumed the position of a classic on the subject.

  • Five editions and several reprints have gone by and this is now the sixth edition of the work.
  • The new edition follows the style and pattern of the earlier editions and at the beginning of each chapter an updated text explains in sufficient detail the relevant law regarding the type of documents covered by that chapter.
  • In the new edition statutory law amendments have been incorporated at the respective places and new precedents have been added where necessary.
  • Latest case-law has also been added to the book.

The book is divided into three parts :-

  • Part I deals with conveyancing of deeds,
  • Part II deals with drafting of petitions for Courts under some special enactments and
  • Part III contains statutory forms of everyday use.


Administrator : This is a thoroughly revised and enlarged edition of the book.

It is a fairly comprehensive work on conveyancing and drafting of various types of documents, including the documents under special enactments... It has got a practical utility for the practicing lawyers as well as for other concerned persons.

Academy Law Review :

The book contains the essential points to be borne in mind by a draftsman and also the forms for different transactions.

The treatment is good and very helpful to lawyers and draftsmen of documents.

...a book which will undoubtedly find a place in the library of every conveyancer.

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