Law Books

SESSIONS TRIAL | Containing Trial before a Court of Session | Attendance of Persons Confined or Detained in Prisons | Evidence in Inquiries and Trials | General Provisions as to Inquiries and Trials | Very useful for criminal side practising advocates

  • Binding : Hard Bound
  • Author : B.R.Gupta, Advocate, Ex-D.I.G. Prosecution and Sanjeev Chopra, Advocate, Delhi High Court
  • Pages : 772
  • Publisher: Pal Publishing House
  • Edition: (Lexman); 1st Edition 2023
  • Language: English
  • ISBN10: 93-81-663-98-1
  • ISBN13: 978-93-81-663-98-1
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Sessions Trial
This book contains:
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Trial before a Court of Session
  • Trial to be conducted by Public Prosecutor
  • Opening case for prosecution
  • Discharge
  • Framing of charge
  • Conviction on plea of guilty
  • Date for prosecution evidence
  • Evidence for prosecution
  • Acquittal
  • Entering upon defence
  • Arguments
  • Judgment of acquittal or conviction
  • Previous conviction
  • Procedure in cases instituted under section 199(2)
Chapter 3 -  Attendance of Persons Confined or Detained in Prisons 
  • Definitions
  • Power to require attendance of prisoners
  • Power of State Government to exclude certain persons from operation of section 267
  • Officer in charge of prison to abstain from carrying out order in certain contingencies
  • Prisoner to be brought to Court in custody
  • Power to issue commission for examination of witness in prison
Chapter 4 -  Evidence in Inquiries and Trials
A. Mode of Taking and Recording Evidence
  • Language of Courts
  • Evidence to be taken in presence of accused
  • Record in summons - Cases and inquiries
  • Record in warrant Cases
  • Record in trial before Court of Session
  • Language of record of evidence
  • Procedure in regard to such evidence when completed
  • Interpretation of evidence to accused or his pleader
  • Remarks respecting demeanour of witness
  • Record of examination of accused
  • Interpreter to be bound to interpret truthfully
  • Record in High Court
B.Commissions for Examination of Witnesses
  • When attendance of witness may be dispensed with and commission issued
  • Commission to whom to be issued
  • Execution of commissions
  • Parties may examine witnesses
  • Return of commission
  • Adjournment of proceeding
  • Execution of foreign commissions
  • Deposition of medical witness
  • Identification report of Magistrate
  • Evidence of officers of the Mint
  • Reports of certain Government scientific experts
  • No formal proof of certain documents
  • Affidavit in proof of conduct of public servants
  • Evidence of formal character on affidavit
  • Authorities before whom affidavits may be sworn
  • Previous conviction or acquittal how proved
  • Record of evidence in absence of accused
Chapter 5 - General Provisions as to Inquiries and Trials 
  • Person once convicted or acquitted not to be tried for same offence
  • Appearance by public prosecutors
  • Permission to conduct prosecution
  • Right of person against whom proceedings are instituted to be defended
  • Legal aid to accused at State expense in certain cases
  • procedure when corporation or registered society is an accused
  • Tender of pardon to accomplish
  • Power to direct tender of pardon
  • Trial of person not complying with conditions of pardon
  • Power to postpone or adjourn proceedings
  • Local inspection
  • Power to summon material witness, or examine person present
  • Power of Magistrate to order person to give specimen signature
  • Expenses of complainants and witnesses
  • Power to examine the accused
  • Oral arguments and memorandum of arguments
  • Accused person to be competent witness
  • No influence to be used to induce disclosure
  • Provision for inquiries and trial being held in the absence of accused in certain cases
  • Procedure where accused does not understand proceedings
  • Power to proceed against other persons appearing to be guilty of offence
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