This digest contains various High Courts and Supreme Court cases relating to,-
Fatal Accidents,
Claims & Claims Tribunals,
Principles & Modes of Assessment,
Pecuniary & Non-Pecuniary Damages,
Claims & Compensation under
Deaths due to Electrocution & Deaths due to Other Modes,
Deduction & Interest, and
appeal, review & revision.
It covers major citations reported as A.C. (S.C.) (Guj. H.C., + Bom. H.C.,), ACJ, ACC, TAC, AIR, SCC, JT, Supreme, SCALE etc.
It is one of the valuable book published by the famous publishers M/s. Dwivedi & Company to enrich the knowledge of Bar and Bench with latest and up-to-date information on the subjects of Motor Accidents.
This digest will be more useful to Lawyers, Judges, Magistrates as well as Bar and Bench.
The Author has made sincere efforts to make the book comprehensive to serve the cause of service to the legal profession.