Law Relating to ANTICIPATORY BAILS (Useful for criminal side practising Advocates, Prosecutors, Police, Juniors, Law Students etc.).
The Contents Details are :-
Introduction ;
- Anticipatory Bail ;
- Appeal ;
- Application for Anticipatory Bail ;
- Application Seeking Grant of Bail ;
- Arrest ;
- Bail and Bond ;
- Bail Application ;
- Bail as Limited Protection ;
- Bail Cancellation ;
- Bail not Entertain able ;
- Bail Sought ;
- Bail to Juvenile ;
- Bar to Bail ;
- Bart to Grant Bail ;
- Cancellation of Bail ;
- Compulsive Bail ;
- Denial to Bail ;
- Discretionary Power to Grant Bail;
- Dismissal of Bail Application ;
- Enlargement on Bail ;
- Entitlement to Bail ;
- Forfeiture of Bail Bonds ;
- Grant of Bail ;
- Grant/Refusal to Bail;
- Maintainability of Bail Application ;
- Necessary Factors for Grant of Bail ;
- Object of Grant/Cancellation of Bail;
- Pre - Arrest Bail ;
- Protection of Anticipatory Bail ;
- Refusal to Bail ;
- Release on Bail ;
- Remand ;
- Scope of Sections 167 and 438, Cr PC;
- Second Bail Application ;
- Special Power of Court ;
- Validity of Bail Cancellation Order ;
- Warrant ;
Subject Index
Lawman, Kamal, Bail, Kant Mani