Law Books

Pleadings, Drafting and Conveyancing / Guides to do a well drafted pleadings and documents, and deeds / Useful for Advocates, Law Students, Auditors and Document Writers

  • Binding : Hard Bound
  • Author : Kant Mani
  • Pages : 1160
  • Publisher: Kamal Publishers
  • Edition: First edition 2021
  • Language: English
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A well drafted document attracts the attention of the Court and well pleading assists the Student and Advocates in their endeavour to enter active practice.

Thus this book on "Pleadings, Drafting and Conveyancing" serves and guides to do a flawless draft of pleadings and documents, and deeds.

It is very useful for Advocates, Law Students, Auditors and Document Writers.

LawMann, Kamal Publishers, Kant Mani, Pleadings and Draftings

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